The State of California was seeking ways to reduce operating and energy costs in light of astronomical energy price increases. The state’s printing facility is the nation’s largest government printing agency second only to Washington DC. The facility employs 500 people in this 300,000 SF facility that operates 24/5. The Office is responsible for printing the governor’s budget, DMV forms and State tax forms and much more.


3FFICIENT staff analyzed their energy use and provided an investment grade engineering study that would later be used for a complete building retrofit. 3FFICIENT personnel performed on-site detailed survey, reviewed construction blueprints and documentation and interviewed of building personnel. A detailed computer simulation was undertaken to evaluate the energy saving potential of numerous HVAC changes.


This project involved extensive retrofits to lighting, HVAC, water, wastewater and other supporting systems. Improvements included: VAV (Variable Air Volume) conversion; Air Filters; Piping modifications and VFD (Variable Frequency Drives) on chilled water and hot water pumps; Solar domestic hot water system installation; Insulation; Relocating equipment; Motor replacement: Energy management systems; High efficiency chillers; High efficiency air conditioners; High efficiency heat pumps; Free cooling with wet-side economizers; Heat recovery from the Thermal Oxidizer system; Compressed Air System upgrades. Oddly enough, construction was deferred for several years due primarily to the energy crisis impact on the state’s budget and finance.

Environmental Benefits:

  • Annual Energy Savings: 94 kW; 1,045,420 kWh
  • Annual Emissions Savings: 908,587 lbs CO2 (GHG); 1,738 lbs NOx (smog); 1,966 lbs SO2 (acid rain)
  • Equivalent to planting 1,354 trees each year
  • Equivalent to not driving 993,884 miles in a car annually
  • Equivalent to powering 93 large homes with renewable energy